|| Academic Exchange Program ||

|| Academic Exchange Program ||

Diversity @JIRF

Academic exchange programs provide students with an opportunity to study in a different environment experiencing the history and culture of another geographical location.

We at JIRF as a partner institution accept a Exchange-student and they live with us in the allotted residence at our E-Koppalu, Participants in these programs fund their participation via scholarships, loans, or self-funding.

Student exchanges increase the participants’ understanding and tolerance of other cultures, as well as improving their language skills and broadening their social horizons.

JIRF offers short-term exchange program also known as summer/intensive or cultural exchange program. These focus on orient home-stays, language skills, community service, cultural activities and promote understanding of the tenets/value system promoted by the community here. High school and university students can apply for these programs privately or through various government or non-governmental organizations. A short-term exchange lasts from one week to three months, The students are exposed to an intensive program that increases their understanding of our culture, communities, and languages.

Our short term programs are meant for students generally between the ages of 15 and above where some programs for applicants over 18 years of age might be engaged in a specialized work-study program.

Our other short term academic programs on Theology & philosophy include:

Course TitleDuration
Shabdashree30 days
Arthashree60 days
Tattvashree90 days

We as a hosting partner may require the student to submit a detailed application, including previous school report cards, letters from teachers, administrators and partnering sponsors.

For all further details regarding JIRF-Academic programs, kindly write to us at info@srivaishnavan.com.

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