|| Advanced Study & Research ||

|| Advanced Study & Research ||

Grantha Prakasanam-Pravartanam

Publishing unpublished manuscripts and training Research Scholars on these titles by Sr. Scholars. More than 200 unpublished palm leaf/paper manuscripts in our possession and will be prioritised for publishing.

Grantha Kaalaksepa Parampara

Digitize/archive Grantha chatustaya kalaksepam from Sr.Scholars, also including titles like Srutaprakasika, PanchaVijayam, Vaadavazhi, Rahasyatraya/Srivacanabhusana Meemaamsa Bhasyam, Sidditrayam, Nyaya Siddanjanam, Sarvartasiddi, TattvaTika and many others.

Sri Ramanuja Granthamala, Sri Ramanuja Meghamala and Shemushi are three initiatives from JIRF in promoting and preserving the rich tenets of the Srivaishnava lineage.


Anuvada focuses on translating/transliterating texts/commentaries in Indian/Foreign languages. More than 800+ universities/institutions across the globe host a Dept, of Theology/Philosophy. These translations/transliterations to benefit the academic community.

Vaakyartha Sadas

Vaakyartha Sadas involves traditional discussions/debates, facilitating induct more Research Scholars into the community.

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