Testing Post – 2

This effort is a move to preserve the vast tradition of knowledge re-established by our Acharyas. Further this preserves a vast collection of  Vedic texts accumulated in the last several decades; uploaded to a state-of-art cloud storage to be accessed worldwide based on the profile of the information seeker and his requirements. The variety of […]

Testing post

पराशरभट्टैः विरचित श्रीगुणरत्नकोशः [वसुराश्यभिधाव्याख्यासहितः] श्रीपराशरभट्टार्यः श्रीरङ्गेशपुरोहितः । श्रीवत्साङ्कसुतः श्रीमान् श्रेयसे मेऽस्तु भूयसे || [व्याख्यातृप्रतिज्ञा] श्रीगुरुपङ्क्तिपादसरसीरुहसम्विनतः श्रीगुणरत्नकोशविवृतिम् वसुराश्यभिधाम् । श्रीनगदेशिकेन्द्रतनयः शुभवात्स्यकुलः श्रीयुतवीरराघवगुरुर्वितनोतितराम् || श्रीमन्महाहरितवम्शविशुद्धवृत्त- मुक्तामणिः सकलशास्त्रविदग्रगण्यः । भट्टारको विरचयन् गुणरत्रकोशम् स्तोत्रम् श्रियो नमति तामिह विघ्रशान्त्यै || [अवतारिका] श्रीमत्कुरकुलपयःपारावारसुधाकरश्रीमद्रामानुजमुनीन्द्रकृपालब्ध श्रीभाष्यदप्रबन्धपरिचयमहिमोल्लासबुद्धिः, द्रविडोपनिषद्गम्भीराशय- विवरणश्रीरङ्गराजकमलापदलालितः, श्रीरङ्गनाथदिव्याज्ञालब्धपराशर-. भट्टारकनामधेयः, कैशिकपुराणश्रवणसमुदितमहिमोल्लासभासुररङ्ग- रमणकरुणाप्रसादसमासादितब्रह्मरथवैभवः, यतिवरचरणाम्भोरुहप्रवणान्ते वासिजनाग्रेसरकूरेशतनूभवः, सकलशास्त्रविदग्रेसरः, श्रीभट्टाख्यदेशिकः निखिलजगदुदयविभवलयलीलाशालिभगवत्प्रापकभूताम् श्रियम् तत्कृत-महोपकारातिशयानुसन्धानेन दयाबात्सल्यादिगुणातिशयपरिशीलनेन स्तोतुकामः, प्रारिप्सितग्रन्थनिर्विघ्नपरिसमाप्त्यर्थम् शिष्टाचारपरम्परा- […]

Post B

To initiate a focus exclusive in Indology research and publication, this foundation was founded and with a panel of eminent scholars from all over India, has built a team working on terse and unpublished volumes delivering many publications, organizing many Seminars, Conference (Vaakyartha Sadas) and digitizing several rare archives both audio and print.

Post A

Jananyacharya Indological Research Foundation was established in 2008 in the name of a 13th century Saint Jananyacharya who belonged to Melkote in the state of Karnataka with a sole intention of undertaking advanced study and academic reasearch in Yoga sastra, Ayurveda and Vedantha. The parent organization Sri Yadavadri Jananyacharya Kainkarya Vardhini Sabha originally established in 1972 […]

Thirumozhi 5-3

பெரிய திருமொழி ஐந்தாம் பத்து மூன்றாம் திருமொழி வென்றி மாமழு வேந்தி, முன் மண் மிசை மன்னரை மூவெழு கால் கொன்ற தேவ ! * நின் குரைகழல் தொழுவது ஓர்வகை எனக்கருள் புரியே * மன்றில் மாம்பொழில் நுழைதந்து மல்லிகை மெளவலின் போது அலர்த்தித் * தென்றல் மாமணம் கமழ் தரவரு திருவெள்ளறை நின்றானே !              5.3.1      திருவெள்ளறை வசைஇல் நான்மறை கெடுத்த, அம்மலரயற்கு அருளி * […]

पादुकासहस्रम् प्रकीर्णपद्धतिः

पादुकासहस्रम् प्रकीर्णपद्धतिः विधौ प्रवृत्ते यद्द्रव्यं गुणसं स्कारनामभिः । श्रेयः साधनमाम्नातं तत्पदत्रं तथाऽस्तु मे।। 29.1 मधुरस्मितरम्यमौक्तिकश्रीर्विशसि व्यञ्जितमञ्जुळप्रणादा । सह रङ्गनृपेण वासगेहं तनुमध्या मणिपादुके ! त्वमेका।। 29.2 शुभशब्दविशेषसं श्रिताभिः भवती शौरिपदावनि ! क्रियाभिः । अनुतिष्ठति नूनमाश्रितानां अखिलोपद्रवशान्तिकं नवीनम्।। 29.3 मणिभिर्मधुवैरिपादरक्षे ! भवती विक्रमणे प्रवर्धमाना । युगपद्भवतां युगान्तकाले दिवि लक्ष्मीं विदधे दिवाकराणाम्।। 29.4 मञ्जुस्वनां मणिमयूखकलापिनीं त्वां दृष्ट्वा कपर्दसविधे […]

Project E-Koppalu

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Emberumanaar Koppalu is a Eco-retreat at Melkote in the state of Karnataka with a model community of 60 residences promoted and maintained by people with backgrounds in traditional monasteries promoting dynamic life, a heart to smile and love with immense passion to sustain the liberal culture bridging material and Vedic life. […]

Project Nityavasam

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] The project Nityavasam was announced in 2014 to promote intellectual population reside at Melkote and this was completed in March 2017 and JIRF handed over possession of these Thirumalige’s 24 Malige’s(residential units) to Acharya Purushas from all over to come and reside in this temple town thereby promoting Gyaan Samruddhi (Knowledge-dissemination) […]

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C/A No: 89340200000648

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IFSC Code: BARB0VJSNGR (fifth character is zero)

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  • Free copy of the publications of the Foundation
  • Free Limited-stay within the campus at Melkote with unlimited access to ameneties
  • Free access to the library and research facilities at the Foundation
  • Free entry to the all events held at the Foundation premises.